发表于: 2019-8-13 16:17:58 | 显示全部楼层





MPU6050 IMU在单芯片上集成了一个3轴加速度计和一个3轴陀螺仪。



MPU6050 IMU 3轴加速度计和3轴陀螺仪


MPU6050 IMU也称为六轴运动跟踪设备或6 DoF(六自由度)设备,因为它有6个输出,即3个加速度计输出和3个陀螺仪输出。







  1. /*
  2.    Arduino and MPU6050 Accelerometer and Gyroscope Sensor Tutorial
  3. */
  4. #include <Wire.h>
  5. const int MPU = 0x68; // MPU6050 I2C address
  6. float AccX, AccY, AccZ;
  7. float GyroX, GyroY, GyroZ;
  8. float accAngleX, accAngleY, gyroAngleX, gyroAngleY, gyroAngleZ;
  9. float roll, pitch, yaw;
  10. float AccErrorX, AccErrorY, GyroErrorX, GyroErrorY, GyroErrorZ;
  11. float elapsedTime, currentTime, previousTime;
  12. int c = 0;
  13. void setup() {
  14.   Serial.begin(19200);
  15.   Wire.begin();                      // Initialize comunication
  16.   Wire.beginTransmission(MPU);       // Start communication with MPU6050 // MPU=0x68
  17.   Wire.write(0x6B);                  // Talk to the register 6B
  18.   Wire.write(0x00);                  // Make reset - place a 0 into the 6B register
  19.   Wire.endTransmission(true);        //end the transmission
  20.   /*
  21.   // Configure Accelerometer Sensitivity - Full Scale Range (default +/- 2g)
  22.   Wire.beginTransmission(MPU);
  23.   Wire.write(0x1C);                  //Talk to the ACCEL_CONFIG register (1C hex)
  24.   Wire.write(0x10);                  //Set the register bits as 00010000 (+/- 8g full scale range)
  25.   Wire.endTransmission(true);
  26.   // Configure Gyro Sensitivity - Full Scale Range (default +/- 250deg/s)
  27.   Wire.beginTransmission(MPU);
  28.   Wire.write(0x1B);                   // Talk to the GYRO_CONFIG register (1B hex)
  29.   Wire.write(0x10);                   // Set the register bits as 00010000 (1000deg/s full scale)
  30.   Wire.endTransmission(true);
  31.   delay(20);
  32.   */
  33.   // Call this function if you need to get the IMU error values for your module
  34.   calculate_IMU_error();
  35.   delay(20);
  36. }
  37. void loop() {
  38.   // === Read acceleromter data === //
  39.   Wire.beginTransmission(MPU);
  40.   Wire.write(0x3B); // Start with register 0x3B (ACCEL_XOUT_H)
  41.   Wire.endTransmission(false);
  42.   Wire.requestFrom(MPU, 6, true); // Read 6 registers total, each axis value is stored in 2 registers
  43.   //For a range of +-2g, we need to divide the raw values by 16384, according to the datasheet
  44.   AccX = (Wire.read() << 8 | Wire.read()) / 16384.0; // X-axis value
  45.   AccY = (Wire.read() << 8 | Wire.read()) / 16384.0; // Y-axis value
  46.   AccZ = (Wire.read() << 8 | Wire.read()) / 16384.0; // Z-axis value
  47.   // Calculating Roll and Pitch from the accelerometer data
  48.   accAngleX = (atan(AccY / sqrt(pow(AccX, 2) + pow(AccZ, 2))) * 180 / PI) - 0.58; // AccErrorX ~(0.58) See the calculate_IMU_error()custom function for more details
  49.   accAngleY = (atan(-1 * AccX / sqrt(pow(AccY, 2) + pow(AccZ, 2))) * 180 / PI) + 1.58; // AccErrorY ~(-1.58)
  50.   // === Read gyroscope data === //
  51.   previousTime = currentTime;        // Previous time is stored before the actual time read
  52.   currentTime = millis();            // Current time actual time read
  53.   elapsedTime = (currentTime - previousTime) / 1000; // Divide by 1000 to get seconds
  54.   Wire.beginTransmission(MPU);
  55.   Wire.write(0x43); // Gyro data first register address 0x43
  56.   Wire.endTransmission(false);
  57.   Wire.requestFrom(MPU, 6, true); // Read 4 registers total, each axis value is stored in 2 registers
  58.   GyroX = (Wire.read() << 8 | Wire.read()) / 131.0; // For a 250deg/s range we have to divide first the raw value by 131.0, according to the datasheet
  59.   GyroY = (Wire.read() << 8 | Wire.read()) / 131.0;
  60.   GyroZ = (Wire.read() << 8 | Wire.read()) / 131.0;
  61.   // Correct the outputs with the calculated error values
  62.   GyroX = GyroX + 0.56; // GyroErrorX ~(-0.56)
  63.   GyroY = GyroY - 2; // GyroErrorY ~(2)
  64.   GyroZ = GyroZ + 0.79; // GyroErrorZ ~ (-0.8)
  65.   // Currently the raw values are in degrees per seconds, deg/s, so we need to multiply by sendonds (s) to get the angle in degrees
  66.   gyroAngleX = gyroAngleX + GyroX * elapsedTime; // deg/s * s = deg
  67.   gyroAngleY = gyroAngleY + GyroY * elapsedTime;
  68.   yaw =  yaw + GyroZ * elapsedTime;
  69.   // Complementary filter - combine acceleromter and gyro angle values
  70.   roll = 0.96 * gyroAngleX + 0.04 * accAngleX;
  71.   pitch = 0.96 * gyroAngleY + 0.04 * accAngleY;
  73.   // Print the values on the serial monitor
  74.   Serial.print(roll);
  75.   Serial.print("/");
  76.   Serial.print(pitch);
  77.   Serial.print("/");
  78.   Serial.println(yaw);
  79. }
  80. void calculate_IMU_error() {
  81.   // We can call this funtion in the setup section to calculate the accelerometer and gyro data error. From here we will get the error values used in the above equations printed on the Serial Monitor.
  82.   // Note that we should place the IMU flat in order to get the proper values, so that we then can the correct values
  83.   // Read accelerometer values 200 times
  84.   while (c < 200) {
  85.     Wire.beginTransmission(MPU);
  86.     Wire.write(0x3B);
  87.     Wire.endTransmission(false);
  88.     Wire.requestFrom(MPU, 6, true);
  89.     AccX = (Wire.read() << 8 | Wire.read()) / 16384.0 ;
  90.     AccY = (Wire.read() << 8 | Wire.read()) / 16384.0 ;
  91.     AccZ = (Wire.read() << 8 | Wire.read()) / 16384.0 ;
  92.     // Sum all readings
  93.     AccErrorX = AccErrorX + ((atan((AccY) / sqrt(pow((AccX), 2) + pow((AccZ), 2))) * 180 / PI));
  94.     AccErrorY = AccErrorY + ((atan(-1 * (AccX) / sqrt(pow((AccY), 2) + pow((AccZ), 2))) * 180 / PI));
  95.     c++;
  96.   }
  97.   //Divide the sum by 200 to get the error value
  98.   AccErrorX = AccErrorX / 200;
  99.   AccErrorY = AccErrorY / 200;
  100.   c = 0;
  101.   // Read gyro values 200 times
  102.   while (c < 200) {
  103.     Wire.beginTransmission(MPU);
  104.     Wire.write(0x43);
  105.     Wire.endTransmission(false);
  106.     Wire.requestFrom(MPU, 6, true);
  107.     GyroX = Wire.read() << 8 | Wire.read();
  108.     GyroY = Wire.read() << 8 | Wire.read();
  109.     GyroZ = Wire.read() << 8 | Wire.read();
  110.     // Sum all readings
  111.     GyroErrorX = GyroErrorX + (GyroX / 131.0);
  112.     GyroErrorY = GyroErrorY + (GyroY / 131.0);
  113.     GyroErrorZ = GyroErrorZ + (GyroZ / 131.0);
  114.     c++;
  115.   }
  116.   //Divide the sum by 200 to get the error value
  117.   GyroErrorX = GyroErrorX / 200;
  118.   GyroErrorY = GyroErrorY / 200;
  119.   GyroErrorZ = GyroErrorZ / 200;
  120.   // Print the error values on the Serial Monitor
  121.   Serial.print("AccErrorX: ");
  122.   Serial.println(AccErrorX);
  123.   Serial.print("AccErrorY: ");
  124.   Serial.println(AccErrorY);
  125.   Serial.print("GyroErrorX: ");
  126.   Serial.println(GyroErrorX);
  127.   Serial.print("GyroErrorY: ");
  128.   Serial.println(GyroErrorY);
  129.   Serial.print("GyroErrorZ: ");
  130.   Serial.println(GyroErrorZ);
  131. }


setup()函数部分,我们需要初始化wire库并通过电源管理寄存器复位传感器。 为此,我们需要查看传感器的数据手册,从中我们可以看到寄存器地址。



此外,如果需要,我们可以使用配置寄存器为加速度计和陀螺仪选择满量程范围。 对于这个例子,我们将使用加速度计的默认±2g范围和陀螺仪的250度/秒范围。

  1. // Configure Accelerometer Sensitivity - Full Scale Range (default +/- 2g)
  2.   Wire.beginTransmission(MPU);
  3.   Wire.write(0x1C);                  //Talk to the ACCEL_CONFIG register (1C hex)
  4.   Wire.write(0x10);                  //Set the register bits as 00010000 (+/- 8g full scale range)
  5.   Wire.endTransmission(true);
  6.   // Configure Gyro Sensitivity - Full Scale Range (default +/- 250deg/s)
  7.   Wire.beginTransmission(MPU);
  8.   Wire.write(0x1B);                   // Talk to the GYRO_CONFIG register (1B hex)
  9.   Wire.write(0x10);                   // Set the register bits as 00010000 (1000deg/s full scale)
  10.   Wire.endTransmission(true);
  11.   */

loop()函数部分,我们首先读取加速度计的数据。 每个轴的数据存储在两个字节或寄存器中,我们可以从传感器的数据手册中看到这些寄存器的地址。


MPU6050 imu加速度计数据寄存器

为了全部读取它们,我们从第一个寄存器开始,然后使用requiestFrom()函数,我们请求读取X、Y和Z轴的所有6个寄存器。 然后我们从每个寄存器读取数据,并且由于输出是二进制补码,我们将它们相应地组合以获得正确的值。

  1. // === Read acceleromter data === //
  2.   Wire.beginTransmission(MPU);
  3.   Wire.write(0x3B); // Start with register 0x3B (ACCEL_XOUT_H)
  4.   Wire.endTransmission(false);
  5.   Wire.requestFrom(MPU, 6, true); // Read 6 registers total, each axis value is stored in 2 registers
  6.   //For a range of +-2g, we need to divide the raw values by 16384, according to the datasheet
  7.   AccX = (Wire.read() << 8 | Wire.read()) / 16384.0; // X-axis value
  8.   AccY = (Wire.read() << 8 | Wire.read()) / 16384.0; // Y-axis value
  9.   AccZ = (Wire.read() << 8 | Wire.read()) / 16384.0; // Z-axis value

为了获得-1g到+ 1g的输出值,适合计算角度,我们将输出除以先前选择的灵敏度。




  1.   accAngleX = (atan(AccY / sqrt(pow(AccX, 2) + pow(AccZ, 2))) * 180 / PI) - 0.58; // AccErrorX ~(0.58) See the calculate_IMU_error()custom function for more details
  2.   accAngleY = (atan(-1 * AccX / sqrt(pow(AccY, 2) + pow(AccZ, 2))) * 180 / PI) + 1.58; // AccErrorY ~(-1.58)




  1. // === Read gyroscope data === //
  2.   previousTime = currentTime;        // Previous time is stored before the actual time read
  3.   currentTime = millis();            // Current time actual time read
  4.   elapsedTime = (currentTime - previousTime) / 1000; // Divide by 1000 to get seconds
  5.   Wire.beginTransmission(MPU);
  6.   Wire.write(0x43); // Gyro data first register address 0x43
  7.   Wire.endTransmission(false);
  8.   Wire.requestFrom(MPU, 6, true); // Read 4 registers total, each axis value is stored in 2 registers
  9.   GyroX = (Wire.read() << 8 | Wire.read()) / 131.0; // For a 250deg/s range we have to divide first the raw value by 131.0, according to the datasheet
  10.   GyroY = (Wire.read() << 8 | Wire.read()) / 131.0;
  11.   GyroZ = (Wire.read() << 8 | Wire.read()) / 131.0;


在这里你可以注意到我用一些小的计算误差值来校正输出值,我将在接下来解释它们是如何得到它们的。 因此,当输出以度/秒为单位时,现在我们需要将它们与时间相乘以得到度数。 使用millis()函数在每次读取迭代之前捕获时间值。

  1. // Correct the outputs with the calculated error values
  2.   GyroX = GyroX + 0.56; // GyroErrorX ~(-0.56)
  3.   GyroY = GyroY - 2; // GyroErrorY ~(2)
  4.   GyroZ = GyroZ + 0.79; // GyroErrorZ ~ (-0.8)
  5.   // Currently the raw values are in degrees per seconds, deg/s, so we need to multiply by sendonds (s) to get the angle in degrees
  6.   gyroAngleX = gyroAngleX + GyroX * elapsedTime; // deg/s * s = deg
  7.   gyroAngleY = gyroAngleY + GyroY * elapsedTime;
  8.   yaw =  yaw + GyroZ * elapsedTime;


  1. // Complementary filter - combine acceleromter and gyro angle values
  2.   roll = 0.96 * gyroAngleX + 0.04 * accAngleX;
  3.   pitch = 0.96 * gyroAngleY + 0.04 * accAngleY;



  1. void calculate_IMU_error() {
  2.   // We can call this funtion in the setup section to calculate the accelerometer and gyro data error. From here we will get the error values used in the above equations printed on the Serial Monitor.
  3.   // Note that we should place the IMU flat in order to get the proper values, so that we then can the correct values
  4.   // Read accelerometer values 200 times
  5.   while (c < 200) {
  6.     Wire.beginTransmission(MPU);
  7.     Wire.write(0x3B);
  8.     Wire.endTransmission(false);
  9.     Wire.requestFrom(MPU, 6, true);
  10.     AccX = (Wire.read() << 8 | Wire.read()) / 16384.0 ;
  11.     AccY = (Wire.read() << 8 | Wire.read()) / 16384.0 ;
  12.     AccZ = (Wire.read() << 8 | Wire.read()) / 16384.0 ;
  13.     // Sum all readings
  14.     AccErrorX = AccErrorX + ((atan((AccY) / sqrt(pow((AccX), 2) + pow((AccZ), 2))) * 180 / PI));
  15.     AccErrorY = AccErrorY + ((atan(-1 * (AccX) / sqrt(pow((AccY), 2) + pow((AccZ), 2))) * 180 / PI));
  16.     c++;
  17.   }
  18.   //Divide the sum by 200 to get the error value
  19.   AccErrorX = AccErrorX / 200;
  20.   AccErrorY = AccErrorY / 200;
  21.   c = 0;
  22.   // Read gyro values 200 times
  23.   while (c < 200) {
  24.     Wire.beginTransmission(MPU);
  25.     Wire.write(0x43);
  26.     Wire.endTransmission(false);
  27.     Wire.requestFrom(MPU, 6, true);
  28.     GyroX = Wire.read() << 8 | Wire.read();
  29.     GyroY = Wire.read() << 8 | Wire.read();
  30.     GyroZ = Wire.read() << 8 | Wire.read();
  31.     // Sum all readings
  32.     GyroErrorX = GyroErrorX + (GyroX / 131.0);
  33.     GyroErrorY = GyroErrorY + (GyroY / 131.0);
  34.     GyroErrorZ = GyroErrorZ + (GyroZ / 131.0);
  35.     c++;
  36.   }
  37.   //Divide the sum by 200 to get the error value
  38.   GyroErrorX = GyroErrorX / 200;
  39.   GyroErrorY = GyroErrorY / 200;
  40.   GyroErrorZ = GyroErrorZ / 200;
  41.   // Print the error values on the Serial Monitor
  42.   Serial.print("AccErrorX: ");
  43.   Serial.println(AccErrorX);
  44.   Serial.print("AccErrorY: ");
  45.   Serial.println(AccErrorY);
  46.   Serial.print("GyroErrorX: ");
  47.   Serial.println(GyroErrorX);
  48.   Serial.print("GyroErrorY: ");
  49.   Serial.println(GyroErrorY);
  50.   Serial.print("GyroErrorZ: ");
  51.   Serial.println(GyroErrorZ);
  52. }





发表于: 2019-8-13 16:38:20 | 显示全部楼层

MPU6050方向跟踪 - 三维可视化

接下来,为了制作3D可视化示例,我们只需要接收Arduino通过Processing开发环境中的串行端口发送的数据。 以下是完整的Processing代码:

  1. /*
  2.     Arduino and MPU6050 IMU - 3D Visualization Example
  3. */
  4. import processing.serial.*;
  5. import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
  6. import java.io.IOException;
  7. Serial myPort;
  8. String data="";
  9. float roll, pitch,yaw;
  10. void setup() {
  11.   size (2560, 1440, P3D);
  12.   myPort = new Serial(this, "COM7", 19200); // starts the serial communication
  13.   myPort.bufferUntil('\n');
  14. }
  15. void draw() {
  16.   translate(width/2, height/2, 0);
  17.   background(233);
  18.   textSize(22);
  19.   text("Roll: " + int(roll) + "     Pitch: " + int(pitch), -100, 265);
  20.   // Rotate the object
  21.   rotateX(radians(-pitch));
  22.   rotateZ(radians(roll));
  23.   rotateY(radians(yaw));
  25.   // 3D 0bject
  26.   textSize(30);  
  27.   fill(0, 76, 153);
  28.   box (386, 40, 200); // Draw box
  29.   textSize(25);
  30.   fill(255, 255, 255);
  31.   text("www.HowToMechatronics.com", -183, 10, 101);
  32.   //delay(10);
  33.   //println("ypr:\t" + angleX + "\t" + angleY); // Print the values to check whether we are getting proper values
  34. }
  35. // Read data from the Serial Port
  36. void serialEvent (Serial myPort) {
  37.   // reads the data from the Serial Port up to the character '.' and puts it into the String variable "data".
  38.   data = myPort.readStringUntil('\n');
  39.   // if you got any bytes other than the linefeed:
  40.   if (data != null) {
  41.     data = trim(data);
  42.     // split the string at "/"
  43.     String items[] = split(data, '/');
  44.     if (items.length > 1) {
  45.       //--- Roll,Pitch in degrees
  46.       roll = float(items[0]);
  47.       pitch = float(items[1]);
  48.       yaw = float(items[2]);
  49.     }
  50.   }
  51. }


如果我们运行草图,可以看到MPU6050传感器跟踪方向有多好。 3D物体跟踪传感器的方向非常准确,并且响应速度也非常快。


MPU6050方向跟踪 - 三维可视化示例

正如我所提到的,唯一的缺点是偏航会随着时间的推移而漂移,因为我们不能使用互补滤波器。为了改善这一点,我们需要使用额外的传感器。通常是一个磁力计,可用作陀螺仪偏航漂移的长期校正。然而,MPU6050实际上具有一种称为数字运动处理器(Digital Motion Processor)的功能,用于数据的板载计算,并且能够消除偏航漂移。


绝对定向传感器 -  MPU6050 BNO055

这是使用数字运动处理器的相同3D示例。我们可以看到现在的方向跟踪有多精确,没有偏航漂移。板载处理器还可以计算和输出四元数Quaternions,这些四元数用于表示三维对象的方向和旋转。在这个例子中,我们实际上使用四元数来表示方向,这也不会受到使用欧拉角(Euler angles)时发生的万向节Gimbal锁定的影响。


使用MPU6050 DMP功能进行3D对象定向



代码也有点复杂,所以我们将使用Jeff Rowberg的i2cdevlib库。这个库可以从GitHub下载。安装库后,我们可以从库中打开MPU6050_DMP6示例。每个行的注释都很好地解释了这个例子。



  1. /*
  2.     Arduino and MPU6050 IMU - 3D Visualization Example
  3. */
  4. import processing.serial.*;
  5. import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
  6. import java.io.IOException;
  7. Serial myPort;
  8. String data="";
  9. float roll, pitch,yaw;
  10. void setup() {
  11.   size (2560, 1440, P3D);
  12.   myPort = new Serial(this, "COM7", 19200); // starts the serial communication
  13.   myPort.bufferUntil('\n');
  14. }
  15. void draw() {
  16.   translate(width/2, height/2, 0);
  17.   background(233);
  18.   textSize(22);
  19.   text("Roll: " + int(roll) + "     Pitch: " + int(pitch), -100, 265);
  20.   // Rotate the object
  21.   rotateX(radians(-pitch));
  22.   rotateZ(radians(roll));
  23.   rotateY(radians(yaw));
  25.   // 3D 0bject
  26.   textSize(30);  
  27.   fill(0, 76, 153);
  28.   box (386, 40, 200); // Draw box
  29.   textSize(25);
  30.   fill(255, 255, 255);
  31.   text("www.HowToMechatronics.com", -183, 10, 101);
  32.   //delay(10);
  33.   //println("ypr:\t" + angleX + "\t" + angleY); // Print the values to check whether we are getting proper values
  34. }
  35. // Read data from the Serial Port
  36. void serialEvent (Serial myPort) {
  37.   // reads the data from the Serial Port up to the character '.' and puts it into the String variable "data".
  38.   data = myPort.readStringUntil('\n');
  39.   // if you got any bytes other than the linefeed:
  40.   if (data != null) {
  41.     data = trim(data);
  42.     // split the string at "/"
  43.     String items[] = split(data, '/');
  44.     if (items.length > 1) {
  45.       //--- Roll,Pitch in degrees
  46.       roll = float(items[0]);
  47.       pitch = float(items[1]);
  48.       yaw = float(items[2]);
  49.     }
  50.   }
  51. }

所以这里我们使用serialEvent()函数接收来自Arduino的四元数,并且在主draw函数循环中,我们使用这些值来旋转3D对象。 如果我们运行草图,就可以看到四元数对于三维旋转对象有多好。



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发表于: 2019-9-25 16:59:41 | 显示全部楼层

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