发表于: 2015-4-28 09:18:30 | 显示全部楼层

意法半导体(ST)推出世界首款基于 ARM Cortex-M7 的STM32 F7 系列微控制器,加快开发人员的创新步伐

新系列微控制器缩短上市时间,以新内核为中心集成全套先进功能,打造智能化最高的 STM32 微控制器。


中国,2014年9月25日——横跨多重电子应用领域、全球领先的半导体供应商、世界最大的ARM® Cortex®-M微控制器供应商意法半导体(STMicroelectronics,简称ST;纽约证券交易所代码:STM)宣布,旗下500余款引脚、软件兼容的STM32产品家族新增加一系列新产品。STM32 F7新系列微控制器(MCU)内核采用ARM公司最近发布的最新、最强的ARM Cortex-M处理器ARM Cortex-M7。意法半导体的STM32 F7系列性能远超以前的高性能32位Cortex-M微控制器领军产品—意法半导体自已的STM32F4微控制器,通过无缝升级路径将处理性能和DSP性能提高一倍。

作为业内最成功的基于Cortex-M内核的微控制器,STM32F7新系列微控制器的工作频率高达200MHz,采用6级超标量流水线和浮点单元(Floating Point Unit ,FPU),测试分数高达1000 CoreMarks[1]。该微控制器外围架构创新成果提升了产品的性能和易用性:意法半导体在新微控制器内引入两个独立的无等待状态访问内外存的加速机制,即在内部嵌入式闪存和一级高速缓存内应用意法半导体独有的自适应实时(ART Accelerator™)加速器技术,处理器访问内外存的代码和数据无需等待。

ARM 处理器产品部门总经理Noel Hurley表示:“ARM和意法半导体建立了长久广泛的业务关系,我们非常兴奋看到这种关系扩展到基于最新的ARM Cortex-M7的微控制器。这种合作伙伴关系让对性能和可靠性要求苛刻的嵌入式应用领域获得最广泛的生态系统的支持。”

意法半导体微控制器市场总监Daniel Colonna表示:“作为ARM的主要合作伙伴,我们与ARM保持密切的合作关系,同时我们也与客户密切合作,确保他们能够及时得到支持向市场推出新产品,这让我们在Cortex-M微控制器市场长期保持领导地位。我们强大的开发生态系统结合多元化的微控制器、传感器、功率器件和通信产品组合,以及贴心的客户技术支持服务,让我们的STM32 F7成为业界领先的STM32微控制器产品家族的高端产品。该系列产品使内存和外存的性能达到一个新的水平,给开发人员带来新的创新机会,帮助他们不需要再根据存储器性能调整代码。”

采用意法半导体的经过制造检验的稳健的90纳米嵌入式非易失性存储器CMOS制造工艺[2], STM32F7系列证明意法半导体正在履行“加快自己及客户的创新,缩短上市时间”的承诺。同时,随着意法半导体开始进军更先进的技术节点,先进的面向未来的系统架构有更大的空间提高微控制器的性能。目前STM32F756NG高性能微控制器的样片仅提供给主要客户。


超出人们预期的是,STM32F7虽然提高了性能,但是没有牺牲能效。尽管功能更多,新系列运行模式和低功耗模式(停止、待机和VBAT)的功耗与STM32F4保在同一水平线上:工作模式能效为7 CoreMarks/mW;在低功耗模式下,当上下文和SRAM内容全都保存时,典型功耗最低120 uA;典型待机功耗为1.7uA;VBAT模式典型功耗为0.1uA。

除意法半导体的ART Accelerator™和 4KB指令和数据缓存外,STM32 F7还集成智能灵活的系统架构:

  • AnAXI和先进高性能总线矩阵(Multi-AHB, Advanced High-performance Bus),内置双通用直接访存(DMA)控制器和以太网、通用串行总线On-the-Go 高速(USB OTG HS, Universal Serial Bus On-the Go High Speed)和Chrom-ARTAccelerator™图形硬件加速等设备专用DMA控制器;
  • 采用512KB和1MB嵌入式闪存,可满足应用对大容量代码存储需求;
  • 大容量分布式架构SRAM:
  • 在总线矩阵上有320KB共享数据存储容量(包括240KB +16KB)和保存实时数据的64KB紧耦合存储器(TCM, Tightly-Coupled Memory)数据RAM存储器;
  • 保存关键程序的16KB指令TCM RAM存储器;
  • 在低功耗模式下保存数据的4KB备份SRAM存储器。
  • STM32 F7外设还包括一个独立的时钟域,可在不影响通信速度的情况下让开发人员修改系统时钟速度
  • 灵活的内置32位数据总线的外存控制器:SRAM、PSRAM、SDRAM/LPSDR SDRAM、 NOR/NAND存储器
  • 即便引脚数量少的封装也提供双/四路SPI接口,以低成本方式扩展存储容量
  • 基于现有的STM32 F4系列指令集,仅提供单周期乘法累加(MAC)指令,提供单指令多数据流(SIMD)指令,该指令计算32位字内的8位和16位值。



意法半导体(STMicroelectronics; ST)是全球领先的半导体解决方案供应商,为客户提供传感器、功率器件、汽车产品和嵌入式处理器解决方案。从能源管理和节能技术,到数字信任和数据安全,从医疗健身设备,到智能消费电子,从家电、汽车,到办公设备,从工作到娱乐,意法半导体的微电子器件无所不在,在丰富人们的生活方面发挥着积极、创新的作用。意法半导体代表着科技引领智能生活(life.augmented)的理念。


[1] CoreMark是嵌入式微处理器基准评测协会(EEMBC)开发的嵌入式微处理器性能基准,作为一个行业标准,该基准使用一套应用代码算法测量微处理器的实际运算性能。

[2] 意法半导体90纳米工艺是STM32 F4 产品于2011年发布至今Cortex-M微控制器领域性能最高的制造技术,CoreMark测试成绩是有力的证明。

发表于: 2015-4-28 09:21:11 | 显示全部楼层


STMicroelectronics Accelerates MCU-Developers’ Pace of Innovation with World’s First ARM Cortex-M7 Core-Based STM32 F7 Series MCU

New series demonstrates time-to-market innovation, embedding a full set of advanced features around a new core to deliver smartest STM32 MCUs ever

Geneva / 24 九月 2014

STMicroelectronics (NYSE: STM), a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications and a leading supplier of ARM® Cortex®-M core microcontrollers, today announced the extension of its STM32 family of more than 500 pin- and software-compatible microcontrollers. The new STM32 F7 microcontroller (MCU) series leverages the ARM Cortex-M7 core, just announced as ARM’s newest and most powerful Cortex-M processor. ST’s STM32 F7 series leapfrogs the industry’s previous high-performance 32-bit Cortex-M champ — ST’s own STM32 F4 — in delivering up to twice as much processing and DSP performance that is accessible via a seamless upgrade path.

Headlining the industry’s most successful family of Cortex M-core-based microcontrollers, the new STM32 F7 MCU series operates at frequencies up to 200 MHz and uses a 6-stage superscalar pipeline and Floating Point Unit (FPU) to produce up to 1000 CoreMarks1. Architectural innovations surrounding the MCU boost performance and ease of use: ST has included two independent mechanisms to reach 0-wait-state performance from both internal and external memories: using ST’s Adaptive Real-Time (ART Accelerator™) for internal embedded Flash and L1 cache for both execution and data access from internal and external memories.

“ARM and ST have a long-standing and extensive business relationship, and it is exciting to see this extended to include MCUs based on the latest ARM Cortex-M7 processor,” said Noel Hurley, general manager, CPU group, ARM. “This partnership brings the benefits of the broadest ecosystem to a new set of performance- and reliability-demanding embedded applications.”

“ST has earned its place as the long-time leading supplier of Cortex-M MCUs by working closely with ARM as a lead partner and with our customers to ensure their time-to-market success,” said Daniel Colonna, STMicroelectronics Microcontroller Marketing Director. “The strength of our development ecosystem, the breadth of our MCU, sensor, power, and communications portfolios, and the technical support we deliver to customers makes the STM32 F7 the seamlessly accessible natural extension to top our industry-leading portfolio. The new level of internal- and external-memory performance gives developers new possibilities for innovation, as they no longer need to optimize their code for performance and memory.”

Manufactured on ST’s robust and production-proven 90nm embedded-non-volatile memory CMOS process technology2, the STM32 F7 series impressively demonstrates ST’s commitment to accelerate its own and customer innovation to meet time-to-market demands. At the same time, the advanced, future-proof architecture offers significant headroom to deliver far greater MCU performance as the Company moves to more advanced process geometries. The high-performance STM32F756NG MCU is sampling now to lead customers now and will be demonstrated at ST’s stand during ARM TechCon in Santa Clara, Oct 1-3, 2014.

Further Technical Information:

Surprisingly, the higher performance of the STM32 F7 has not impacted power efficiency. Despite greater functionality, the new series’ Run mode and low-power modes (STOP, Standby, and VBAT) consume current at the same low levels as the STM32 F4: 7 CoreMarks/mW in Run mode and, for low-power modes, down to 120 uA typical in STOP mode with all context and SRAM content saved, and 1.7uA typical in STANDBY mode and 0.1uA typical in VBAT mode.  

In addition to ST’s ART Accelerator™ and 4Kbytes Instruction and Data caches, the STM32 F7 includes smart and flexible system architecture:

  • An AXI and Multi-AHB (Advanced High-performance Bus) matrix with dual general-purpose DMA (Direct Memory Access) controllers and dedicated DMA controllers for Ethernet, USB OTG HS (Universal Serial Bus On-the-Go High Speed), and hardware acceleration of graphics via ST’s Chrom-ART Accelerator™;
  • Available in 512kB and 1MByte embedded Flash to support applications that require large storage for code;
  • Large SRAM with scattered architecture:
  • 320 Kbytes including 240 Kbytes +16 Kbytes on the bus matrix for shared data and 64 Kbytes of Tightly-Coupled Memory (TCM) Data RAM for critical real-time data;
  • 16-Kbytes of instruction TCM RAM for critical routines;
  • 4 Kbytes of backup SRAM to keep data for the lowest power modes.
  • STM32 F7 peripherals also include an independent clock domain to enable system-clock-speed changes without impacting communication speed;
  • Flexible external memory controller with up to 32-bit data bus: SRAM,PSRAM,SDRAM/LPSDR, SDRAM, NOR/NAND memories;
  • Dual Quad SPI interface for cost-effective memory extension even on lo- pin-count packages;
  • Builds on the existing STM32 F4 series instruction set, delivering exclusively single-cycle Multiply and Accumulate (MAC) instructions and offering Single-Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) instructions that work on 8- and 16-bit quantities packed into a 32-bit word.

For more information about the STM32 F7, visit

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About STMicroelectronics

ST is a global leader in the semiconductor market serving customers across the spectrum of sense and power and automotive products and embedded processing solutions. From energy management and savings to trust and data security, from healthcare and wellness to smart consumer devices, in the home, car and office, at work and at play, ST is found everywhere microelectronics make a positive and innovative contribution to people's life. By getting more from technology to get more from life, ST stands for life.augmented.

In 2013, the Company’s net revenues were $8.08 billion. Further information on ST can be found at

1 CoreMark is an industry-standard benchmark developed by the Embedded Benchmark Consortium (EEMBC) to measure MCU performance using a suite of application-code algorithms assembled to reflect real-world operation.

2 The ST 90nm process has proven the most high-performing in the Cortex-M MCU space as demonstrated by superior CoreMark results ever since first STM32 F4 devices were launched in 2011.


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