发表于: 2015-6-26 15:43:39 | 显示全部楼层





意法半导体微控制器产品部市场总监Daniel Colonna表示:“意法半导体这一全球首款且综合了业内领先架构和集成功能,让我们的客户能够为目标市场提供出色的产品,此外,我们开发环境的优势(包括已上市的STM32F7探索工具和固件)将有助于加快研发周期。”

为实现各种多元化应用,STM32F7探索套件配备完整的STM32Cube固件库,以及软件开发工具厂商和ARM® mbed™在线开发社区的直接支持。通过亲民的定价(49.90美元)和精巧的设计,包括WQVGA彩色触屏、立体声音频、多传感器支持、数据安全机制及高速通信接口,探索套件的开放式硬件向市场展示了STM32F7的实用功能。板载ST-Link调试器/编程器(无需另配探针),结合Arduino Uno连接支持和大量的专用插接板,使探索套件具有无限的扩展能力。

STM32F7芯片已开始量产,提供多种封装选择,包括14mm x 14mm LQFP100、28mm x 28mm LQFP208、10mm x 10mm 0.65mm节距UFBGA176、13mm x 13mm 0.8mm节距TFBGA216和5.9mm x 4.6mm WLCSP143。订货1000件,100针LQFP封装的512KB内部闪存的STM32F745VE起价6.73美元。



意法半导体在Cortex-M7内核外集合成一系列先进外设,例如USB OTG控制器专用电压轨可使USB保持通信状态,同时芯片其它电路降至1.8V,以节省电能;大多数外设都有双时钟域,这样设计准许CPU降低主频,功耗降至最低,同时通信外设的时钟频率保持不变。

目前意法半导体的STM32F7推出了两条产品线。STM32F745和STM32F746/756都搭载Cortex-M7内核,该内核内置浮点运算单元和DSP扩展指令集,主频高达216MHz。这些产品的能效很高,在1.8V时达到6 CoreMark/mW;同时,在停止模式下,保留SRAM全部数据,电流仅为100µA:相当于基于Cortex-M4内核的STM32F469的能效。出色的能效归功于意法半导体的市场领先的90纳米制造工艺、独有的减少闪存访存时间的ART Accelerator™图形引擎、先进的主频和功耗优化技术——电压调整和低频/超频。

STM32F745内置最高1MB闪存、320KB RAM、以太网接口、QSPI接口、摄像头接口和灵活存储控制器(FMC)。STM32F746比STM32F745多一个TFT-LCD控制器。STM32F756比STM32F746多一个加密/哈什(Crypto/Hash)处理器,可对AES-128/-192/-256加密算法进行硬件加速,支持GCM和CCM、Triple DES和hash(MD5、SHA-1、SHA-2)加密算法。



意法半导体(STMicroelectronics; ST)是全球领先的半导体解决方案供应商,为客户提供传感器、功率器件、汽车产品和嵌入式处理器解决方案。从能源管理和节能技术,到数字信任和数据安全,从医疗健身设备,到智能消费电子,从家电、汽车,到办公设备,从工作到娱乐,意法半导体的微电子器件无所不在,在丰富人们的生活方面发挥着积极、创新的作用。意法半导体代表着科技引领智能生活(life.augmented)的理念。


发表于: 2015-6-26 15:46:57 | 显示全部楼层


STMicroelectronics Begins STM32F7 Production, First to Market with Microcontrollers Featuring Advanced ARM® Cortex®-M7 Core

Extensible STM32F7 Discovery kit revealed, leveraging ARM® mbed™ and Arduino ecosystems to bring smartest STM32 to the masses

STMicroelectronics (NYSE: STM), a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications, has become the first chip maker to begin volume production of microcontrollers featuring the new ARM® Cortex®-M7 processor: the latest and highest-performing Cortex-M core for advanced consumer, industrial, medical, and Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices.

The smart architecture of ST’s new STM32F7 microcontrollers combines the Cortex-M7 core with advanced peripherals, giving product designers unrivalled opportunities to enhance application performance, add new functions, extend battery life, ensure security, and minimize use of external components to save cost and size. The architecture also saves designers’ time usually spent optimizing code performance and length, to allow extra focus on creating differentiating features in the end product.

“ST’s first-to-market advantage and industry-leading architecture and feature integration enable our customers to deliver outstanding products into their own target markets,” said Daniel Colonna, Marketing Director, Microcontroller Division, STMicroelectronics. “Moreover, the strength of our development environment, including immediate availability of the STM32F7 Discovery Kit and firmware, allows rapid design cycles.”

To enable a large diversity of applications, the STM32F7 Discovery Kit comes with the comprehensive STM32Cube firmware library, as well as direct support from a wide ecosystem of software-development tool partners and the ARM® mbed™ online community. The Discovery Kit’s open hardware exposes the STM32F7 assets through an affordable compact design (priced at $49.90) including WQVGA touchscreen color display, stereo audio, multi-sensor support, security, and high-speed connectivity. Together with an integrated ST-Link debugger/programmer (no need for a separate probe), unlimited expansion capability is provided through the Arduino Uno connectivity support and immediate access to a large choice of specialized add-on boards.

The STM32F7 devices are in production now, in a range of package options from a 14mm x 14mm LQFP100 to 28mm x 28mm LQFP208, plus 10mm x 10mm 0.65mm-pitch UFBGA176, 13mm x 13mm 0.8mm-pitch TFBGA216, and 5.9mm x 4.6mm WLCSP143. Prices start from $6.73 for the STM32F745VE in 100-pin LQFP with 512KB on-chip Flash, for orders of 1000 units.

Further technical information:

STM32F7 microcontrollers maximize the advantages of the new Cortex-M7 core over earlier cores such as the Cortex-M4. It has about twice the digital-signal processing (DSP) capability for applications requiring high-speed or multi-channel audio, video, wireless, motion recognition, or motor control. It is also the first Cortex-M core to feature on-chip cache, and is capable of ultra-fast data transfers and high-performance execution from embedded Flash or from external memories such as dual-mode Quad-SPI. These Cortex-M7 advances are combined with known strengths of the STM32 family, such as power efficiency, pin, peripheral and software compatibility across more than 500 different device variants, and the extensive STM32 development ecosystem.

Integrated with the Cortex-M7 core, ST’s advanced peripherals have features such as a dedicated power rail for the USB OTG peripheral, which enables USB connectivity to continue operating while the rest of the chip is powered at 1.8V to save power. The dual clock domain on most peripherals allows the CPU speed to be reduced to minimize power consumption, while keeping the clock frequency unchanged on the communication peripherals.

ST has so far introduced two STM32F7 product lines. The STM32F745 and STM32F746/756 all feature the Cortex-M7 core with floating-point unit and DSP extensions, running at up to 216MHz. The devices deliver high processing efficiency of up to 6 CoreMark/mW at 1.8V. At the same time, typical current in Stop mode, with all SRAM saved, is only 100µA: similar to that of STM32F469 devices based on the Cortex-M4 core. Such outstanding power efficiency is achieved through ST’s leading 90-nanometer process, unique ART Accelerator™ graphic engine that reduces Flash access time, and advanced voltage scaling and underdrive/overdrive that help optimize speed and power consumption.

The STM32F745 has up to 1MB of Flash memory on-chip, as well as 320KB RAM, Ethernet, QSPI and camera interfaces, and a Flexible Memory Controller (FMC). The STM32F76 extends the functionality by integrating a TFT-LCD controller on-chip. The STM32F756 has the same features as the STM32F746 with the addition of a crypto/hash processor providing hardware acceleration for AES-128/-192/-256, with support for GCM and CCM, Triple DES, and hash (MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-2).

The STM32F7 development ecosystem includes both the Discovery Kit and two evaluation boards, STM32746G-EVAL2 and STM32756G-EVAL2, priced at $560 each. The STM32F7 Discovery Kit (STM32F746G-DISCO) gives full flexibility to fine-tune hardware and software at any stage of development, which minimizes financial risks. Developers also benefit from the associated STM32CubeF7 firmware, and the ability to re-use all STM32F4 software assets due to code compatibility.


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